All you need to know about our 4th km-scale Hackathon

1. March 2024

From the 4th to the 8th of March 2024, the portuary city of Hamburg (Germany) will host our upcoming 4km-scale Hackathon. This is the fourth hackathon of the nextGEMS project, and this year it will be co-organized by two other climate modelling projects: European Eddy-Rich ESMs (better known as EERIE) and WarmWorld. The event will mainly take place in the Max Plack Institute  (MPI) for Meteorology, and some sessions will happen in the buildings of the University of Hamburg, the Geomatikum, and the Pharmacy building.

As an exploratory hacking marathon – commonly known as a hackathon, our event will bring together professionals and experts from a wide variety of areas within the climate science field to find and fix bugs in the existing models and work on extrapolating current and past data to create future scenarios. Overall, the 4km-scale hackathon will provide an environment where the participants can programme, model, collaborate, and exchange ideas.

In addition to the model development during the hacking periods, the occasion will also supply a space for the diffusion of knowledge. Daniel Klocke and Thomas Rackow will talk about the Earth System models used in nextGEMS: ICON and IFS – respectively. Moreover, there will be two keynotes: one by the meteorologist Daniela Jacobs about the Earth Visualisation Engines (EVE) for climate initiative, and another by Climate Physics Director at MPI, Sarah Kang, about the possible shift in mechanistic controls of tropical Pacific surface warming pattern. In case you were not already hooked by that, two special side events will also take place with the immersive experience of visiting the Wind Tunnel at the University of Hamburg and the DKRZ supercomputer Levante.

All the information about the venue, transportation, accommodation, programme, and getting ready is gathered online on the hackathon’s official website. In case you are interested in our previous hackathons, you are able to find more information about them on the nextGEMS official website. Furthermore, we will be giving live updates about the event on our Mastodon and LinkedIn accounts, so don’t forget to follow us and stay tunned! Do you have further questions? Then we are happy to answer them via email at and in person at the event!

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