Model Validation and Development
WP2 organizes the activities of the technical and model development staff to provide the simulations, and organize their output and the associated analysis environments, through the first part of the Development Phase.
- Organizing simulation output from the pre-existing ICON and IFS DYAMOND- Winter simulations (Cycle 1 simulations) (O1)
- To perform the Cycle 2 and initiate the Cycle 3 simulations of the Development Phase (O1)
- To address errors and fine-tune the SR-ESMs, including associated output and data management strategies, based on feedback from, and together with, the S&R, S&O, S&L themes (O1)
- To implement selected applications in SR-ESMs in collaboration with the four themes and users (O3)
- To organise scrums to address data management and data analysis workflows in support of Hackathons and simulations analysis within NextGEMS and beyond (O1)
Further Description
Several simulation and model development cycles will gradually push the models to the configuration targeted for production simulations. In WP2, the NextGEMS modelling team (composed of NextGEMS funded scientists from MPI-M, ECMWF, AWI and DKRZ) with strong support from the in-house modelling and technical support teams as well as collaborating scientists in the different WPs, will set up the runs, and prepare the data access, management structure and data analysis workflows, culminating in the Hackathons associated with each development cycle. Short scrums will be used to coordinate the activities of the modelling teams and to provide a unified workflow for both SR- ESMs. WP2 organizes tasks by the NextGEMS modelling team to modify the SR-ESM release candidates – including evolving model output requirements – based on input from the four themes, make available the model outputs for Cycle 1 simulations (available at the start of the project), perform the Cycle 2 simulations and associated data management, and initiate the Cycle 3 simulations. Additional tasks include performing short mid-cycle simulations to test proposed changes, providing a model uncertainty measure by running small ensembles with reduced resolution, and evolving the workflow for the subsequent Hackathons based on feedback from NextGEMS scientists that help to develop interfaces in anticipation of the near-field stakeholder groups ’Users’ and ’Technologists’.
Lead Beneficiary: ECMWF
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