Cycle 2 Hackathon

4. July 2022

Vienna, 28th June – 2nd July, 2022

Under almost tropical conditions in Vienna, nearly 100 hackathon participants hacked their way through the heat!

On the first day the participants were introduced to the world of the latest storm-resolving simulation output in an intensive data-handling workshop that culminated in a BBQ for early stage researchers along the riverside in Vienna. The next day, our host Aiko Voigt, professor in climate science at the University of Vienna, kicked-off the hackathon with a warm welcome and after updates from the modelling groups on recent Cycle 2 developments in the SR-ESMs IFS and ICON the door was opened for three intensive days of pure hacking.

Beside the hacking-as-usual, participants could broaden their horizon in Unconscious biases in science and learn about the history and future in km-scale modeling in evening talks and discussions held by Lena Vogelmann and Masaki Satoh respectively. In addition, 15 external early stage researcher joined us to tackle the renewable energy challenge problem in collaboration with stakeholders from the renewable energy sector, with a workshop held by our Storms&Society lead in-between.
After almost four days of hacking and impressive results, the Cycle 2 Hackathon was rounded up in a nextGEMS hike and with continuous discussions and planning of the Cycle 3. Looking forward to meet everyone again at the Cycle 3 Hackathon in Madrid in May 2023!

*The Cycle 2 hackathon was co-funded by the EASiWACE2 project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 – grant agreement No 823988).

Further Articles

20. July 2024

Weaker land–atmosphere coupling in global storm-resolving simulation

Maps of daily temperature

12. July 2024

Using Machine Learning to identify climate models

5. July 2024

The Role of Aerosols in our Climate: Insights from the nextGEMS Project


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