nextGEMS logo

New design and community identity

17. March 2022

With the upgrade and relaunch of our website we also move to a new project design and community identity.

The new logo is colored in blue linking to our blue planet Earth. The rhombs emobdy gems (next Generation Earth Modeling Systems), beginning with four gems representing the four project themes whose roots extend through work packages up to the individual project members. Through a sencond lense, this refinement from four gems to many small ones equally symbolizes the grid refinement towards km- and storm-resolving simulations. In addition, the arrangement of the four main gems into one big gem nicely depicts the mutual interaction between our research themes and the necessity of all components to interact for a realistic representation of our Earth system.

With this renewed design, our community can identify itself with the brand nextGEMS even more.

Further Articles

20. July 2024

Weaker land–atmosphere coupling in global storm-resolving simulation

Maps of daily temperature

12. July 2024

Using Machine Learning to identify climate models

5. July 2024

The Role of Aerosols in our Climate: Insights from the nextGEMS Project


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