Peer Reviewed Publications


Beech, N., T. Rackow, T. Semmler, and T. Jung (2024). “Exploring the ocean mesoscale at reduced computational cost with FESOM 2.5: efficient modeling strategies applied to the Southern Ocean”. In: Geoscientific Model Development 17.2, pp. 529–543. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-17-529-2024.

Lee, J. and C. Hohenegger. (2024). “Weaker land–atmosphere coupling in global storm-resolving simulation”. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121.12, e2314265121. DOI: 10.1073/ pnas.2314265121.

Diogoul, N., Brehmer, P., Kiko, R., Perrot, Y., Lebourges-Dhaussy, A., Rodrigues, E., Thiam, A., Mouget, A., Ayoubi, S. E., & Sarré, A. (2024).“Estimating the copepod biomass in the North West African upwelling system using a bi-frequency acoustic approach”.PLoS ONE19(9), e0308083. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0308083.


Baulenas, E., D. Bojovic, D. Urquiza, M. Terrado, S. Pickard, N. González, and A. L. S. Clair (2023). “User Selection and Engagement for Climate Services Coproduction”. In: Weather, Climate, and Society 15.2, pp. 381–392. DOI: 10.1175/wcas-d-22-0112.1.

Baulenas, E., G. Versteeg, M. Terrado, J. Mindlin, and D. Bojovic (2023). “Assembling the climate story: use of storyline approaches in climate-related science”. In: Global Challenges. DOI: 10.1002/gch2. 202200183.

Brunner, L. and S. Sippel (2023). “Identifying climate models based on their daily output using machine learning”. In: Environmental Data Science 2, e22. DOI: 10.1017/eds.2023.23.

Dingley, B., G. Dagan, P. Stier, and R. Herbert (2023). “The Impact of a Land-Sea Contrast on Convective Aggregation in Radiative-Convective Equilibrium”. In: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15.4. DOI: 10.1029/2022ms003249.

Ekblom, M., L. Tuppi, O. Räty, P. Ollinaho, M. Laine, and H. Järvinen (2023). “Filter Likelihood as an Observation-Based Verification Metric in Ensemble Forecasting”. In: Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 75.1, pp. 69–87. DOI: 10.16993/tellusa.96.

Flynn, C. M. and T. Mauritsen (2023). “Hadley Cell Size and Strength Responses Depend on Turbulent Drag”. In: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80.4, pp. 1047–1064. DOI: 10.1175/jas-d-22 0153.1.

Hohenegger, C., P. Korn, L. Linardakis, R. Redler, R. Schnur, P. Adamidis, J. Bao, S. Bastin, M. Behravesh, M. Bergemann, J. Biercamp, H. Bockelmann, R. Brokopf, N. Brüggemann, L. Casaroli, F. Chegini, G. Datseris, M. Esch, G. George, M. Giorgetta, O. Gutjahr, H. Haak, M. Hanke, T. Ilyina, T. Jahns, J. Jungclaus, M. Kern, D. Klocke, L. Kluft, T. Kölling, L. Kornblueh, S. Kosukhin, C. Kroll, J. Lee, T. Mauritsen, C. Mehlmann, T. Mieslinger, A. K. Naumann, L. Paccini, A. Peinado, D. S. Praturi, D. Putrasahan, S. Rast, T. Riddick, N. Roeber, H. Schmidt, U. Schulzweida, F. Schütte, H. Segura, R. Shevchenko, V. Singh, M. Specht, C. C. Stephan, J.-S. von Storch, R. Vogel, C. Wengel, M. Winkler, F. Ziemen, J. Marotzke, and B. Stevens (2023). “ICON-Sapphire: simulating the components of the Earth system and their interactions at kilometer and subkilometer scales”. In: Geoscientific Model Development 16.2, pp. 779–811. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-16-779-2023.

Körner, M., P. Brandt, and M. Dengler (2023). “Seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature in the tropical Angolan Upwelling System”. In: Ocean Science 19.1, pp. 121–139. DOI: 10.5194/os-19-121-2023.

Kuma, P., F. A.-M. Bender, and A. R. Jönsson (2023). “Climate Model Code Genealogy and Its Relation to Climate Feedbacks and Sensitivity”. In: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15.7, e2022MS003588. DOI:

Tuppi, L., M. Ekblom, P. Ollinaho, and H. Järvinen (2023). “Simultaneous Optimization of 20 Key Parameters of the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF Using Open IFS. Part I: Effect on Deterministic Forecasts”. In: Monthly Weather Review 151.6, pp. 1325–1346. DOI: 10.1175/mwr-d-22-0209.1.


Beech, N., T. Rackow, T. Semmler, S. Danilov, Q. Wang, and T. Jung (2022). “Long-term evolution of ocean eddy activity in a warming world”. In: Nature Climate Change 12.10, pp. 910–917. DOI: 10. 1038/s41558-022-01478-3.

González-Alemán, J. J., C. M. Grams, B. Ayarzagüena, P. Zurita-Gotor, D. I. V. Domeisen, I. Gómara, B. Rodrıguez-Fonseca, and F. Vitart (2022). “Tropospheric Role in the Predictability of the Surface Impact of the 2018 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event”. In: Geophysical Research Letters 49.1. DOI: 10.1029/2021gl095464.

Gutjahr, O., J. H. Jungclaus, N. Brüggemann, H. Haak, and J. Marotzke (2022). “Air-Sea Interactions and Water Mass Transformation During a Katabatic Storm in the Irminger Sea”. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127.5. DOI: 10.1029/2021jc018075.

Heukamp, F. O., P. Brandt, M. Dengler, F. P. Tuchen, M. J. McPhaden, and J. N. Moum (2022). “Tropical Instability Waves and Wind-Forced Cross-Equatorial Flow in the Central Atlantic Ocean”. In: Geo physical Research Letters 49.19. DOI: 10.1029/2022gl099325.

Huusko, L., A. Modak, and T. Mauritsen (2022). “Stronger Response to the Aerosol Indirect Effect Due To Cooling in Remote Regions”. In: Geophysical Research Letters 49.21. DOI: 10.1029/2022gl101184.

Mauritsen, T., R. Redler, M. Esch, B. Stevens, C. Hohenegger, D. Klocke, R. Brokopf, H. Haak, L. Linardakis, N. Röber, and R. Schnur (2022). “Early Development and Tuning of a Global Coupled Cloud Resolving Model, and its Fast Response to Increasing CO2”. In: Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 74.2022, pp. 346–363. DOI: 10.16993/tellusa.54.

Moum, J. N., K. G. Hughes, E. L. Shroyer, W. D. Smyth, D. Cherian, S. J. Warner, B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, and M. Dengler (2022). “Deep Cycle Turbulence in Atlantic and Pacific Cold Tongues”. In: Geophys. Res. Lett. 49.8, e2021GL097345. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL097345.

Segura, H., C. Hohenegger, C. Wengel, and B. Stevens (2022). “Learning by Doing: Seasonal and Diurnal Features of Tropical Precipitation in a Global-Coupled Storm-Resolving Model”. In: Geophysical Research Letters 49.24. DOI: 10.1029/2022gl101796.

Uribe, A., F. A.-M. Bender, and T. Mauritsen (2022). “Observed and CMIP6 Modeled Internal Variability Feedbacks and Their Relation to Forced Climate Feedbacks”. In: Geophysical Research Letters 49.24. DOI: 10.1029/2022gl100075.

Wacławczyk, M., J. L. Nowak, H. Siebert, and S. P. Malinowski (2022). “Detecting Nonequilibrium States in Atmospheric Turbulence”. In: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 79.10, pp. 2757–2772. DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-22-0028.1.

Williams, A. I. L., P. Stier, G. Dagan, and D. Watson-Parris (2022). “Strong control of effective radiative forcing by the spatial pattern of absorbing aerosol”. In: Nature Climate Change 12.8, pp. 735–742. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-022-01415-4.


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