Below, you can find some preprints of the nextGEMS community. These are early versions of research papers shared publicly before undergoing peer review and allow for rapid dissemination and feedback.
Rackow, T., X. Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, T. Becker, S. Milinski, I. Sandu, R. Aguridan, P. Bechtold, S. Beyer, J. Bidlot, S. Boussetta, M. Diamantakis, P. Dueben, E. Dutra, R. Forbes, H. F. Goessling, I. Hadade, J. Hegewald, S. Keeley, L. Kluft, N. Koldunov, A. Koldunov, T. Kölling, J. Kousal, K. Mogensen, T. Quintino, I. Polichtchouk, D. Sármány, D. Sidorenko, J. Streffing, B. Sützl, D. Takasuka, S. Tietsche, M. Valentini, B. Vannière, N. Wedi, L. Zampieri, and F. Ziemen (2024). “Multi-year simulations at kilome tre scale with the Integrated Forecasting System coupled to FESOM2.5/NEMOv3.4”. In: EGUsphere 2024, pp. 1–59. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-913.