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16. May 2024

The 5th hackathon of the nextGEMS project is coming up! Join us from 14th to 18th of October 2024 in the dutch town of Wageningen to find out how our models can be applied in the sector of natural hazards.

The event will be organised in cooperation with the Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and the University of Bern and hosted on the WUR campus.

In the spirit of what was written in our proposal, participating scientists, programmers, and other project partners will work in small groups to create new knowledge on a topic. The topics will be related to the four nextGEMS research themes, as well as to natural hazards, such as wildfires and heavy precipitation. We will all explore research questions based on the newest simulations of the IFS and ICON models, identifying bugs and developing improvements. If you haven’t been to a hackathon, have a look at our previous hackathons to get an impression of the atmosphere and collaboration.


If you are interested in participating in the Hackathon, please register here until the 1st of July, 2024.

The event will charge a EUR 150 participation fee. Once your participation is confirmed, you will also receive the instructions for the payment.

Stipend Application

Once again, we are also opening a call for stipend applications to support the participation of young scientists with a strong interest in climate science or Earth system informatics. The stipend application deadline is 15th June 2024.

For any additional questions, please refer to the event website or contact the nextGEMS project office.

Further Articles

20. July 2024

Weaker land–atmosphere coupling in global storm-resolving simulation

Maps of daily temperature

12. July 2024

Using Machine Learning to identify climate models

5. July 2024

The Role of Aerosols in our Climate: Insights from the nextGEMS Project


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