Storms and Society

In addition to leading traditional dissemination and exploitation activities, the Storms and Society theme will work closely with each physical science theme (Storms and Radiation, Storms and Ocean, Storms and Land) to develop two broad types of activities – Knowledge Coproduction activities at Hackathons and a NextGEMS VideoBlog.

This theme builds the coproduction process by defining and solving Challenge Problems: ‘real-world’ scientific and societal questions developed together with stakeholders. The first Challenge Problems will be developed with the users from the NextGEMS User Network from renewable energy and fishery. Knowledge exchange will continue throughout the project, supported by innovative communication and dissemination activities. These activities are aimed at bringing in new stakeholders, enhancing project visibility and improving usability of project outcomes for impact assessment and risk management.

At the heart of the content generation strategy are the researchers themselves who will become Vloggers (Video Bloggers). Scientist will be empowered though training (at Hackathons), coordination (to help select topics and choose formats) and technical support to become active communicators of their research within and beyond the project.

Work Package 10

Knowledge Coproduction, Dissemination & Communication


WP10 develops novel communication and dissemination forms, with a strong visual and video presence, and conduct coproduction that will support transdisciplinarity and link across communities, from model developers, over users to policy makers.

Further Description

WP10 coordinates the S&S theme, i.e., activities related to collaboration and communication with NextGEMS six stakeholder groups. The project builds the coproduction process by defining and solving Challenge Problems: ‘real-world’ scientific and societal questions developed together with stakeholders. The first Challenge problems will be developed with the users form the NextGEMS User Network (NUN) from renewable energy and fishery. Knowledge exchange will continue throughout the project, supported by innovative communication and dissemination activities aimed at bringing in new stakeholders, enhancing project visibility and improving usability of project outcomes for impact assessment and risk management. WP10 is structured around three interconnected domains: Knowledge Coproduction, communication and dissemination. WP10 will monitor gender- balance and inclusive presence in stakeholder engagement – an essential element of all three domains. WP10 builds on the work done in WPs 2-9 and closely collaborates with WP1.

Lead Beneficiary: BSC

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Science Explainer

Science explainers present the driving ideas and progress from NextGEMS scientists in plain language. The Explainers aim to show how scientists think and their way of working and cover a wide range of topics relevant to any audience interested in the latest breakthroughs related to Storm-Resolving Earth Systems Models (SR-ESM).

One of the big tasks for Storms & Society is to bridge the gap between knowledge co-production and climate action. In nextGEMS we create knowledge networks to study the linkage between network characteristics and societal outputs of relevance with so called social network analysis (SNA). Find the full explanation in our media library or click on the button below for the factsheet.


23. April 2024

Research videos: Exploring „storylines“ in Climate Science

21. December 2023

Bridging climate, energy, and society: testing applications of high-resolution earth system models to societal challenges


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