
The nextGEMS schedule includes two phases, Development and Production, aided with Development Hackathons and Knowledge Coproduction. At the hackathons, the nextGEMS community comes together with stakeholders from the renewable energy, marine ecosystems and fisheries sectors, as well as partners from associated projects.

Hackathons are communal exploration, analysis and development activities – all various forms of ‘hacking’. They prioritize working together over lecturing one another. Hackathons build on experiences gained from the DYAMOND initiative, which enabled the project to involve a large international community in the analysis of the model output. They also have the advantage that, if necessary, they can be readily adapted to a virtual environment.

During the development phase of the project, hackathons were set up along three development cycles to continuously improve the ICON and IFS models.
The focus of the application phase, however, lies on working with the data resulting from these improved models. During the different hackathons, the data is applied to the sectors of costal marine ecosystems and fishieries, hazards (e.g. wildfires and heavy precipitation) and renewable energy.

Below you will find some information about the individual hacking events that have taken place over the last years. Further visual material in the form of pictures and short videos can be found in our media library.

Application Phase

APPLY NOW - Cover photo

Hazard Hackathon

Wageningen, 14th – 18th October, 2024

Registrations for the The 5th hackathon of the nextGEMS project are now open!

The event will be organised in cooperation with the Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and the University of Bern and hosted on the WUR campus.

This time, the topics will be related to the four nextGEMS research themes, as well as to natural hazards, such as wildfires and heavy precipitation.

km-scale Hackathon

Hamburg, 4th – 8th March, 2024

This event introduced a new aera of hackathons. The models that were created and tested in the development phase, are now applied to different contexts in order to coproduce knowledge with data experts, modellers and researchers from different backgrounds.

The km-scale Hackathon was co-organized by the three climate science projects EERIEWarmWorld, and nextGEMS and welcomed over 130 professionals from different scientific backgrounds, levels of expertise, diverse nationalities and a variety of institutions.

Participants were creating valuable output while hacking and got some inspiring input by talks and keynotes throughout the week.

On the first day, Eulàlia Baulenas explained what is needed to transform knowledge created in climate science into tangible actions and scientists Rohit Gosh and Dian Putrasaham shared the current state of the Earth System Models used in the EERIE project. Meteorologist Daniela Jacob held a key note about the challenges posed by climate change, affecting the lives of all of us and how the Earth Visualisation Enging (EVE) and the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) could be one step towards an international, joint approach to address and tackle these difficult times ahead. 

A second key note was delivered by Sarah Kang, the Climate Physics Director at MPI, on Wednesday evening. She presented her work on understanding the physical processes driving observed, unexplained cooling trends in the tropical Pacific.

Additionally, Daniel Klocke talked about the Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Weather and Climate Model (better known as ICON), used by all three of the organizing projects. He introduced some of the aspects of the model that were improved since the last Hackathon and gave an idea about which challenges still need to be combated in the near future. Similarly, Thomas Rackow updated the participants on the improvements of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) used in the nextGEMS project.

As a little treat, special side events were organized. These included a communal dinner, a world café, trips to the Wind Tunnel at the University of Hamburg and the DKRZ supercomputer Levante and a short Yoga-session to refresh the participants bodies and minds.

The closing session on Friday was used by the thematic groups to share their observations, analysis, challenges, and suggestions. Participants also engaged in a discussion about their opinions or concerns regarding the Earth System Models, future publications, and possible collaborations between different projects. This day was particularly special due to it coinciding with the International Women’s Day on March 8th, opening up the opportunity to especially celebrate the achievements of our female scientists, organizers and supporters.

If you would like to know more about this hackathon, follow the below links to some more detailed blogposts and find us on LinkedIn or Mastodon:

Model Development Phase

Cycle 3 Hackathon

Madrid, 29th May – 2nd June, 2023

Our Cycle 3 Hackathon was the biggest so far: 140 participants from Europe and Senegal gathered in Madrid. Partner Projects like MULMOD, DestinEEERIE and WarmWorld joined our journey and shared the spirit in exploring high-resolution next generation Earth system models.

Although the weather was differed than expected, the heat rose while science was discussed, new things were discovered. Computers were humming and groups were working on the new model output of our Cycle 3 runs, which included this time a new grid for one of our models (HEALpix for the ICON output). The nextGEMS Cycle 3 runs allowed for even more physics to be involved, since a new aerosol and a biogeochemistry model were integrated. Scientists dove into the ocean, studied blocking events, got more realistic representation of the precipitation and located nice fishing spots across the world. Some challenges remain but it keeps us motivated to dive deeper into the rabbit hole.

Beside all the hacking, two members of our Advisory Board shared their work with the nextGEMS community. Prof. Katja Fennel, Dalhousie University, introduced us to challenges and opportunities for biogeochemical modelling in the ocean. And Prof. Yukari Takayabu, University of Tokyo (AORI), gave an insight into extreme rainfall observed from TRMM and GPM.Prof. Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, was invited to talk about the Destination Earth Initative, aimed at creating a Digital Twin interface for user-oriented climate information. Further, our Storms & Society theme held a workshop for nation-wide stakeholders from the renewable energy sector to create storylines building up on our renewable energy challenge

Cycle 2 Hackathon

Vienna, 28th June – 2nd July, 2022

Under almost tropical conditions in Vienna, nearly 100 hackathon participants hacked their way through the heat!

On the first day the participants were introduced to the world of the latest storm-resolving simulation output in an intensive data-handling workshop that culminated in a BBQ for early stage researchers along the riverside in Vienna. The next day, our host Aiko Voigt, professor in climate science at the University of Vienna, kicked-off the hackathon with a warm welcome and after updates from the modelling groups on recent Cycle 2 developments in the SR-ESMs IFS and ICON the door was opened for three intensive days of pure hacking.

Beside the hacking-as-usual, participants could broaden their horizon in Unconscious biases in science and learn about the history and future in km-scale modeling in evening talks and discussions held by Lena Vogelmann and Masaki Satoh respectively. In addition, 15 external early stage researcher joined us to tackle the renewable energy challenge problem in collaboration with stakeholders from the renewable energy sector, with a workshop held by our Storms&Society lead in-between.
After almost four days of hacking and impressive results, the Cycle 2 Hackathon was rounded up in a nextGEMS hike and with continuous discussions and planning of the Cycle 3. Looking forward to meet everyone again at the Cycle 3 Hackathon in Madrid in May 2023!

Cycle 1 Hackathon

Berlin, 19th –22nd October, 2021

Amazing time in Berlin – nextGEMS held it’s first project meeting in form of a hackathon!

The first Cycle 1 simulations with the two earth system models (ESMs) ICON and IFS finished just in time for the hackathon participants to explore the high-resolutions runs. In only three days of hacking, about 80 participants from the nextGEMS project and friends showed a steep learning curve in working with high-resolution earth system model output. In groups of about five people, the teams were investigating current and in some cases urgent questions related to the four project themes Storms and Radiation, Storms and Land, Storms and Ocean, and Storms and Society. The results of the hackathon will guide us to the improved Cycle 2 simulations that will be run in the upcoming months.


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