REGISTRATION CLOSED! – 4th km scale hackathon

1. December 2023

This will be the 4th km-scale hackathon. After three previous hackathons, mainly organized under the nextGEMS project, our hackathons now become even bigger. This time the km-scale hackathon will be co-organized by three projects: EERIEWarmWorld, and nextGEMS.

Please join us for one week of hacking, finding bugs, fixing bugs, and a lot of fun from 4th to 8th March 2024 in Hamburg, Germany.

In the spirit of what was written in our proposal, participants will sit together in small groups working on a topic. The topics will be related to the four nextGEMS research themes, as well as to marine ecosystem and fisheries Challenge Problem. We will all explore those topics based on the newest simulations of the IFS and ICON models, identify bugs and improvements. If you haven’t been to a hackathon, have a look at our Cycle 1, Cycle 2, and Cycle 3 hackathons to get an impression of the atmosphere and collaboration.

Continuing the tradition of the previous hackathons, we are also opening a call for stipend applications to support the participation to the 4th km scale hackathon. Go here for more details.

If you are interested in participating in the Hackathon, please register here until the 1st of January, 2024.

The event will charge a EUR 150 participation fee. Once your participation is confirmed, you will also receive the instructions for the payment.

Please visit the event page for more details about the hackathon.

For any additional questions, please contact the nextGEMS project office at

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